All That Plastic Environment, Nature / tagged Climate Change, evolution, Pollution / September 20, 2019 / by
Play Personal Growth / tagged Depression, Joy, Mid-Life Crisis, serendipity / September 18, 2019 / by
Every Poem is a Poem of Hope Poems about Poetry / September 17, 2019 / by
The Sadness of Arborists Nature / September 16, 2019 / by Dedicated to Sophia (Austin live oak) Beautiful, grand, and older than the USA
Bob Mud in Austin Uncategorized / September 15, 2019 / by Mud sculpture by Australian artist Bob Mud adorning Sophia (a beautiful old oak tree in South Austin)
Stressed Was I String Too Short To Save / tagged Palindrome, Word Play / September 13, 2019 / by Fun fact – all this week the dates can be written as palindromes Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
When the Storms Came Audio Recordings, Relationships / September 12, 2019 / by
9-11 (September) Haiku, Remembering / tagged 9-11, Children / September 11, 2019 / by Eighteen years later – children still asking why Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Kenny and Me Audio Recordings, Cowboy Poetry, Farm, Ranch Life, Relationships, Remembering / tagged Beer, Harvest, Youth / September 10, 2019 / by