Magdalene Audio Recordings, Relationships / tagged Christ, Hope, Love, Rebirth, resurrection / April 10, 2023 / by It is storied that Mary Magdalene was the first person Jesus appeared to after his resurrection.
Ukrainian Easter Audio Recordings / tagged Art, Beauty, Destruction, Hope, Pysanky, Rebirth, Ukraine, War / April 9, 2023 / by Wishing peace and hope to those celebrating Easter today and Orthodox Easter next Sunday
Easter Saturday Audio Recordings / tagged Death, Jesus, Miracles, Rebirth, resurrection, Sacrifice / April 8, 2023 / by
Passover Audio Recordings / tagged Christ, Faith, Feast, Fellowship, Judaism, Observance, Tradition / April 7, 2023 / by
The Canon of Fodder Audio Recordings, News / tagged Death, Sacrifice, War / April 6, 2023 / by
Pomegranate of War Audio Recordings / tagged Faith, War / April 5, 2023 / by As the story goes, each pomegranate is said to contain 613 seeds (arils), the same as the number of mitzvot or commandments in the Torah
Gardening in the Minefield Audio Recordings, Farm, Ranch Life / tagged Danger, Land Mines, War / April 4, 2023 / by April 4th is International Mine Awareness Day
Dreams of Safety Audio Recordings, News / tagged Fear, Hope, Identity, War / April 3, 2023 / by
The Light The Light Audio Recordings / tagged Heaven, Hell, Judgement, Perception / April 2, 2023 / by
Light Audio Recordings, Nature, Travel / tagged Perspective / April 1, 2023 / by