The secret to hauling horses
is to step on the gas fast
hit the brakes hard
then the gas
A few rounds of that
and their feet
are far apart
and well set
You can pretty much
do what you like
for the rest of the trip
The secret to hauling horses
is to step on the gas fast
hit the brakes hard
then the gas
A few rounds of that
and their feet
are far apart
and well set
You can pretty much
do what you like
for the rest of the trip
And what is the poem of Rusty
who slips at full gallop and picks up all
four feet and sets them down sure on the next
dry spot
Of Lady still so afraid of wire she can buck
fourteen hours tired
if a four inch chunk should strike a hoof
And the dance of the wild mare in the corral
who kicks and one foot goes by on each side of
your head
And of the colt separated from mother’s flank
by a gunny sack in the face and a quick gate,
who turns a tight arc and comes back at you, and
you see it in the eyes and duck and he sails over
taking out the top rail
And you hear that your father gave you the first
compliment you’ve
ever heard of by turning to the man beside him
and saying
“The damned fool will get himself killed someday”
For years you’ve been cleaning up your act
But now the good old boys are coming back
And the guy they’re coming back to see
Is the good old boy that you used to be
You broke some broncs and drank some
And played tough football in those
Cruised to front and back seat double
And took big guns to kill small timid
Since then you’ve passed through many a
But can’t say to them. I’m not that person
Of course they may have changed too
But how oh how could they tell … You
My folks took some time off in the sixties
from their Saskatchewan ranching and
traveled down through South Texas
One day they stopped to talk to an
old cowboy sittin and a wittlin
on a rickety ranch porch
When he found out where they were from he said
“Say – do you know a man up there
by the name of Bill Prior?”
They said “Yes, he’s an old bachelor who lives up
past our north pasture, why do you ask?”
“Well” he said, “About 1928 Bill and I are out lookin
for some strays when we see another rider
coming over the furthest hill.”
Bill said to me, “It’s getting too damn crowded
down here, I’m heading for Canada”
“He turned his horse North and I haven’t
seen him since”
I understand that
she used to ride to school
but she was little and it was a farm
and somehow that didn’t seem to count
When she was about 75 she told me
about going with dad to the far end of the ranch
on a beautiful day a long time ago
to help round up some strays
She said that she liked it a lot
and couldn’t remember why she didn’t do it more
Outer ear gathering
sounds of birds and wind
and hooves on spring grasses
Playing them soft on the drum
as hammer and anvil and stirrup
pass on the faint creaking leather
of my old Texas boot in the stirrup
Ripples wave down inner membranes
and tiny thousands of hair cells
move like grass in the valley
From pressure to impulse
and from sound to
symbol of
All floating in the liquid balance of an easy lope
When you break horses and break land
you end up with broken horses
and broken land
When you approach with the reverence
of a listening friend
It is amazing how far
they are willing
to carry you
You could see her shine from miles away. She had
a movie star way of standing out from other horses.
Her rich chestnut coat always looked oiled and
polished with a deep inner glow that some people
have and you can’t describe. Sort of an abundance
of life that can’t be contained in the body and
radiates from every pore
And she wasn’t easy, coming from a line of
aristocrats. No one could ever ride her mother
or grandmother and her father bucked in rodeo
My brother tried to ride her first, the place where
she broke his arm still hurts when it rains. Not a
frequent problem in Saskatchewan
She bucked me off twice, both times for arrogance
Once in front of relatives from Oregon when I
dropped a rein and leaned over her neck to get it.
I was off balance and soon off of her onto the hard
ground in front of the shed. She did step on me
some too, just to drive home the point
The other time was in a soft field where I was
teaching her to neck rein and making circles to the
left and right. A car was coming down the lane and
I turned a little in the saddle to wave
It was enough, I was loose and I was gone. She piled
me so hard and high that I came down standing up
with reins still in my hands. Pretty good I
thought and started to take a bow for the people in
the car, but the lesson wasn’t over. She came
around full force with her back end like Babe Ruth
with a bat and knocked my flat
Every morning she would buck for the first half
mile, sort of an ongoing initiation; earning the
right to be with her again and again. She would
never be taken for granted and I knew that I would have to
face that test every day, and I was scared but I always
wanted to be there
And I stayed with her every time
I guess I had my fear to keep me tight
and my butterflies to keep me light
As I partook in some small way in Alexander’s feast
and took my classics lesson there
Only the brave
Only the brave
Only the brave deserves the fair