Tag Archives: Psychology



I am of course a little shy
to recommend that God
spend more quality time
on that big couch in the sky

But it appears he is showing of late
a tendency towards co-dependency

Telling everyone what they want to hear
and trying to keep every fanatic as a fan
as long as he can

Saying one thing one day to George
and the opposite the next to Saddam
disfunctionates the best of families
and has the world in a terrible jam

I’m not sure where he should go for advice
talking to yourself is not usually good
but sometimes the kids can help

So, if young Jung is around he might
do some work on those troubling dreams
or Siggy might be able to help with the
complexes and the coping schemes

So all I really want to say to the big guy
is there’s no shame in asking for help
and we’re all behind you, so please try



I think I’ve done it now
run out of places to hide
painted myself into a corner
surrounded on every side

For like every pilot
that ever learned to fly
I’ve got to help the captain
whenever I’m in the sky

All my time of thumbing
and a haulin heavy loads
links me with the Gypsies
that I meet along the roads

And if I look from side to side
at the lands along the way
why the farmer and the rancher
still within me want their say

Whenever I get to stop to rest
at any sweet Inn along the way
the years I’ve spent in running one
with constant detail mark my stay

And now I’m studying psychology
and the hidden parts of you and me
and prevalidation and master talk
and how one ought to walk one’s walk

Capped with the writers joy and chore
of finding a metaphor behind each door



The Siamese twins
had to move to England
so the other one could drive

The part of you that drives to the office
is not the one who arrives at the beach

The one who bought the purple dress
is not the one who won’t let you wear it

The one who got the license first
always wants to drive

While everyone else in your psychic car
the ones that can think
and the ones that can feel
all fight for their turn at the wheel

While it so often seems that the you
that includes and is more than them all

Is back in the boot, or trunk if you like
bound and gagged and tied up inside
just going along for the ride



Apollo is still locked into the light
Dionysus still dancing our darkenss

Mars and friends are still busy at war
and Aphrodite’s still getting her way

The old archetypes will never go away
but we have some new ones here today

Elvis is the King
John Wayne is the Duke
and Marilyn is Marilyn

Babe is the Babe and the Boss is the Boss
Diana the Huntress has become the prey

It doesn’t matter if they’ve come
from Mt. Olympus or Hollywood USA
they’re in us now, and they’re in play



Although it may not be apparent to you
the non apparent parent in you
is more than apparent to me

Although to be perfectly fair
it’s not likely I’ll mess with a hair
as long as it’s taking good care

But when it gets too big for its thighs
when it starts to guilt and to criticize

Something will change in the blink of our eyes
and it’ll be fighting with someone its size

Even though it may not be apparent to me
I’m gonna go running to the parent in me

If I tell my dad he’ll have something to say
if I tell my mom there’ll be hell to pay