School monument with misspelled ÉCOLE (the French word for school)
School monument with misspelled ÉCOLE (the French word for school)
A link to the 1980 film The Hounds of Notre Dame – a glimpse of life at Notre Dame College in the 1940s and the extraordinary man who created it. Author also a former student.
They sent me off to school today
round-roofed lunchpail packed
with all five stages of grief
Four layer sandwich of
and depression
and an apple of acceptance
I don’t think I’ll eat the apple
In Bethlehem
a refugee with sadness but no hate decreed
another generation is what we need
And a school where
the children of the refugees of holocausts and
refugees of refugees can learn together
learn to look inward first
This is a most beautiful and special place
with such regard for dignity and respect
so successful in their message of love
so filled with fairness to each side
That Arafat’s Palestinians burn their busses
and Israelis torture teachers and riddle walls
While Caterpillars sent from across the sea
creep closer each day in their wonderful
mindless mechanical way
with levelling intent
To be met with Gandhi smiles
and your help, if you give it
Hope Flowers School – Bethlehem