1 thoughts on “The Useless Lake

  1. Joy

    That lake
    A science lesson to discuss the word “mirage “ when the sun was bright . When the cut-banks on the north shore would rise high on the horizon threatening to pour the salty brine uphill onto the town on the south shore but never cause a ripple on the salty blue mirror.
    That lake.
    When the spring melt would offer stretches of fine sandy beaches for bare toes to walk in. Some years mud flats and quicksand holes . Always a puzzle. The water not fit for cows and humans to drink but the beaver and pelicans enjoy the absence of humans . The beaver did find its way back into the river . The deer wise enough to stay well back from the mud flats.
    That lake
    The ripples lapping at the shore in the moonlight . Beautiful to eye and ear but not always to the nose


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