There is nothing more prejudiced
than our immune system

It is always on the lookout
for anything different
to isolate and kill

If this were not so
we would be dead
faster than a scratch
from a dirty clawed cat

Sometimes the system messes up
and attacks the healthy cells instead

This is an auto-immune-disease
and the response must be suppressed

The body personal is hardly different
from the body politic
anything different looks dangerous

On this continent almost everyone
is a transplant and a threat
a lot of immune response arises from that

A black man in a white house
must be removed as soon as possible
even though he is a part of us

A course of immune-suppressants
must be started as soon as possible
or the patient will most likely die

In the body personal I don’t know
the names of any of the drugs
In the body politic it might be love