The Farm, The Ranch and the Sweeping Scythe Audio Recordings, Cattle, Cows, Environment, Farm, Nature, Ranch Life / tagged Adversity, Beauty, Death, Hardship, Weather / November 8, 2023 / by
Poet Laureate at Ninety Five Audio Recordings, Poems about Poetry / tagged Adversity, Aging, Art & Artists, Education, Resilience / August 12, 2023 / by Stanley Kunitz, Poet Laureate, Pulitzer Prize Winner, Teacher and Gardener (July 1905 – May 2006)
Setting a Good Example Audio Recordings, Farm, Ranch Life / tagged Adversity, Crops, Faith, Waiting / July 30, 2023 / by
Survival Groups Audio Recordings, Family, Farm, Ranch Life, Relationships / tagged Adversity, Athol Murray College of Notre Dame, Community, Pioneers, Survival, War / May 27, 2023 / by
Pere Loved the Greeks Audio Recordings, Remembering / tagged Adversity, Athol Murray College of Notre Dame, Education, Hunger, Philosophy / May 22, 2023 / by
Prairie Song Audio Recordings / tagged Adversity, Athol Murray College of Notre Dame, Hope, Inspiration, Saskatchewan, School, Tenacity / May 19, 2023 / by A link to the 1980 film The Hounds of Notre Dame – a glimpse of life at Notre Dame College in the 1940s and the extraordinary man who created it. Author also a former student.
Marhesha’s Dream Audio Recordings, Personal Growth, Relationships / tagged Adversity, Dreams, Humor, Learning / May 11, 2023 / by
Hope Audio Recordings, Personal Growth / tagged Adversity, Hope, Optimism, Struggle, Tenacity / April 18, 2023 / by
Blooming Anyway Audio Recordings, Haiku, Relationships / tagged Adversity, Art & Artists, Separation, Tenacity / March 14, 2023 / by