
For Paul and Linda Fite
Rene Davis – Sportswriter for the Winnipeg Free Press
Uncles, aunts, old friends and more
all sinking below the metaphor
on the way to that distant shore
The keel hauling of cancer
Walking Gehrig’s plank with ALS
Hanging from the yardarm
of emphysema’s choking rope
The lightning stroke of stroke
The sudden iceberg of heart attack
The slow arctic crush of hoary old age
Or slowly sailing, deeper and deeper
into Alzheimers’ fog bound banks
There are a thousand ways
to get back to the launching line
I’m not sure I’m ready yet
to speculate on mine
My sportswriter friend has Alzheimer’s now
and I wonder what happens
behind that bright brow
When we were kids, he was the guy
who knew each homer and pop fly
and every player’s RBI
Grew up to travel with the pros
what he didn’t know, why nobody knows
And now soggy brained he tromps
through sub sequitorial swamps
the mind once quick as cats
drowning among the stats