Tag Archives: Awe



Standing at last
in medieval thought made visible
one hundred and seventy three of the most
beautiful stained glass windows in the world
ten thousand figures in glass and stone

Feeling the light and form form feelings

Dorsey and I drift apart
pulled for a moment by different magnets

I look up I have no words
I beckon her over she crosses the rough stone

I kiss her gently hold her a moment and
point to the small center window
high in the west side of the south wing

Where light breaking through cloud
throws fractured beams
through centuried dust
in an exact way and at an exact angle
that it has never slanted before
and will never slant again

We wander in awe
together and apart
light candles, marvel at the art

Famous labyrinth where penitents
crawled three football fields on their knees
Without knowing it had once been there
I miss the Minotaur in the middle

As evening falls I sit on a stone step
by the central altar
for a long time the sun as it sinks
rising in the West Rose Window

From the center
each ring moving outward
moves towards me in explosion 3D

Again I have no words

The words are

From the unquestionable hand
of the undeniable God
a universe flung forth
in crystal cacophony
and order