How Not To Be A Turkey On Thanksgiving Day

Third in the series of five Thanksgiving poems from Leaflet: a poem progression. Written in Austin Texas, Thanksgiving 2014, re-celebrated, Canadian Thanksgiving 2020
Second in the series of five Thanksgiving poems from Leaflet: a poem progression. http://www.neilmeili.com/neils-books/leaflet-a-poem-progression/ Written in Austin Texas, Thanksgiving 2014, re-celebrated, Canadian Thanksgiving 2020
First in the series of five Thanksgiving poems from Leaflet: a poem progression. http://www.neilmeili.com/neils-books/leaflet-a-poem-progression/ Written in Austin Texas, Thanksgiving 2014, re-celebrated, Canadian Thanksgiving 2020
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians – Feeling grateful today for so much.
Small town Saskatchewan
raising money for the curling rink
Targets fifty feet away
and old bent-sight 22’s to shoot
The trick to bringing a turkey home
was not how well at the bullseye shot
but how fast you learned that life
is sometimes three inches down
and two to the left of where you aim
November 22, 2017