Winston Churchill painted this scene of the Tower of the Koutoubia Mosque the next day, reportedly the only painting he did during the war, and presented it as a gift to Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Winston Churchill painted this scene of the Tower of the Koutoubia Mosque the next day, reportedly the only painting he did during the war, and presented it as a gift to Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Hi Jim and Libba,
Your poem now. You can make him think whatever you like, and your list has expanded mine.
Happy to have survived flight and avoided covid to keep option of our having more time together.
All Blessings,
Neil and Dorsey
Neil, one thing on my list if I could see my “grandbabies babies and their babies and their babies babies too,” would be to spend another weekend hanging out with you and Dorsey; though “that ain’t likely to come true.” Libba and I are wondering what the man across the isle had decided—to live dangerously by not wearing a mask, to take a nap, to have a swig of bourbon, to kiss his companion, or perhaps to look at pictures of his grandbabies on his iPhone.